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BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

goolag uses it

Are you sure Goolag uses HIBP's database? I checked Wikipedia, searched for “Google”, found citation number 16, and what do we have here?

Google told Wired's Lily Hay Newman that its database is not the same as the Have I Been Pwned database of six billion compromised credential sets maintained by Australian security researcher Troy Hunt.


Google told [...] that its database is not the same as [...] of six billion compromised credential sets maintained by Australian security researcher Troy Hunt.

Oh, right! So while “there's bound to be some overlap between the two”, it doesn't mean they're the same! Why not view Wikipedia before saying this BS?


takeheart wrote

There's bound to be some overlap between two, because goolag will include everything the other have, and add more on top of that, since goolag is much better at hostile data harvesting than a single honeypot.
And not shilling jewkipedia either, just look at who's paying them and you'll see where they stand on privacy.

goolag blood money
crapple blood money
malwaresoft blood money

In the end it's all about trust, and corporate cocksuckers deserve none.
