Rambler wrote (edited )
Generated random pronounceable word(s) or generated like you would a random password?
Ex: CarTreeBaby or 4bGWjaE1qehZlbSc
RandomlyGeneratedUsername OP wrote
Words because it creates a clearly recognizable identity.
Rambler wrote
I'll add it to the list of ideas. If implemented, it'd be optional of course, but it's not a bad idea and good for those who wish to use a different username on different sites (Which is something I encourage).
EgregiousPomegranate wrote
I second this. It's actually something I've thought about a few months ago while looking at Gfycat links. Given a decently sized dictionary of adjectives and nouns, I suppose joining just two or three would yield plenty of unique and memorable usernames.
For example:
- ADJ + N
- ADJ + N + N
- ADJ + ADJ + N
I believe that mixing adjectives and nouns would prevent generated usernames from becoming an outright word–salad and maybe give them some nonsensically playful quality.
By the way, hi.
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