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rianav_a wrote (edited )

I'd like to access this over I2P. My ISP won't drop the firewall (or incoming connections are blocked, not clear ATM) tho 😩 . So the Java router and I2pd can reseed, but tunnel creation fails.

Interestingly Tor (both TBB & the software) connect. So Tor for now.

I thought Tribler used Tor technology under the hood but that p2p client doesn't connect either.


Rambler OP wrote

Hmm, I bet if you post over at /f/i2p you may get some help about the I2P connectivity issue.

Truth be told I just run my I2P router on a VPS. I just forward my localhost ports 4444, 6668, 7657 and 7658 that VPS via a ssh tunnel. Then I just configure my browser as normal.


rianav_a wrote (edited )

Thanks. I've asked u/alreadyburnt about this issue over on reddit. \ Seems to be a known limitation of the I2P approach to anonymity.

Cool, I'll look into the hosting of the I2P router other than on the premises.


Rambler OP wrote

alreadyburnt is on ramble as /u/idk and one of the mods over at /f/i2p currently.

If you ever need any help you can post there or hop onto IRC. I usually lurk IRC myself and go there for when something isn't working as I want it to.