Because why not? I'm posting this update via the URL below:
We have a (empty) Lokinet forum here: /f/lokinet
And if you'd like to learn more about Lokinet in general, check out:
All data that travels through Lokinet is encrypted and bounced through multiple nodes hiding the true origin.
Being integrated into Lokinet now means there is now 5 different ways that you can access this site, they are:
- Clearnet:
- I2P network: http://ramble.i2p
- Tor network: http://rambleeeqrhty6s5jgefdfdtc6tfgg4jj6svr4jpgk4wjtg3qshwbaad.onion/
- Yggdrasil network: http://[200:718d:c499:3fce:c5e:65c6:73d6:f46d]/ or http://ramble.ygg
- LokiNet: http://pabtpb9krzt87w7rsbbmj7uun3fpu1bbx67pd6agffna63ahegwy.loki
The wiki ( /w/networks ) has been updated to reflect this change.