Apple to scan U.S. iPhones for images of child porn
abcnews.go.comApple unveiled plans to scan U.S. iPhones for images of child sexual abuse, drawing applause from child protection groups but raising concern among some security researchers that the system could be misused by governments looking to surveil their citizens.
Wingless wrote
The U.S. had a choice. Freedom or tyranny. The purity of abandoning the strange doctrine that speech, that information is inherently evil, rather than evidence of evil. Or censorship that devours everything, destroys everything, collaborates with every tyrant around the world.
And we see how they chose.
The ban on child porn creates a market for child porn and the fresh abuse of children to make those images from scratch, like printing money. The refusal to acknowledge a private space - ANYWHERE - means that foreign governments can just go ahead and send their notices that the Hanzi for "Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times" looks like a cartoon child rape, which of course is JUST AS BAD as a real one. It doesn't matter whether children are raped, but whether people THINK about them getting raped, let alone SEE them getting raped and start asking inconvenient questions about whether there is something they could actually DO to stop it.
This is the society where colleges control dissemination of information with an iron fist, lest something politically incorrect be said, even if it means that students have to play in Covid-infested classrooms to get something approximating an educational experience.
This is the society that never goes to China with anything but demands that they censor the software pirates, censor the servers doing lookups for racist websites, censor the cruelty to animals, crack down on drugs and products that might compete with name brands ... then says look at us, we stand for FREEDOM.
Now, nobody sane trusted Apple anyway, and yet, emergencies come up and security tossed to the winds. If you're a dissident from another country facing constant deportation, or some nutcase trying to protest a pipeline or an election or a race issue, I bet you have a lot of emergencies.
This isn't the first, maybe not even the worst. The CARS. God told Lot, "Go out and find me *ten competent techies with the honesty to report on and fight back against 1984, and Democracy will be spared". Lot came back with...
We got NOBODY. The internet must burn, the libraries must burn, the cities must burn, the vaccine will not be given, the virus will mutate, the people will die, the civilization will die, all things will pass away, and every few DAYS there is another harbinger like this that points the way to doom.