Same garbage approach really as Google took when transferring itself to Alphabet then calling various chunks of it's cash cows different companies.
This is all to stave off anti trust issues and pretend like different operating units.
Facebook however doesn't get this game at all.
It buys brands, folds them in, then shares data with the motherships and does tracking all over the place.
You destroy Facebook's tracking and eliminate their advertising to you, all they have left is any tracking collected in very sneaky ways.
Time has come for everyone to have a proper gateway router at the doorway to your internet connection. Full Linux feature set. The day of nulling and blackholing whole AS Numbers has come.
Kalchaya wrote
Don't like the way WhatsApp, Fakebook, Twitter, etc. are screwing you? Stop bending over! Send Will Cathcart, Zucky Zoidberg, and Lil Jackie Dorsey the FU....find alternatives! Otherwise quit yer whining, keep your poohole greased, and take it like a prison bitch.