I guess I never thought about it really but last week I got a new computer and setup an encrypted drive to boot from. I don't really do anything illegal to hide, weed is legal where I am and no one cares about a guy tripping sometimes. But I have to type my password in everytime I boot my computer now just to unlock the hard drive and it made me wonder if you would be required to give your password up on any encrypted device like a phone or computer or whatever if cops said they needed access for some reason.
Like bro unless you're just trying to get some mp3s and family vacation photos and shit there isn't much on there but I still wouldn't want to give it up just because it defeats the purpose.
Oh yeah this is for the USA. Land of the free lol.
Asterix wrote (edited )
In the USA i think they are free to take your stuff if you dont provide them the encryption password. But dont know for how long they can keep it...