Recent comments in /f/News

spc50 wrote

Just look at that.

It's Black History month yo'!

Give the downtrodden man of better suntan a whole month.

Give him the whitest and coldest month.


Have a coke and a smile.


AWiggerInTime wrote

I'm disappointed.

Mark Rober promised a video feed and the most we got is a Kerbal Space Program knockoff with a photo that might as well been taken by Mr.Armstrong himself with his trusty Konica.

Literally, for me the fat guy with peanuts was the highlight of the stream.


Wingless wrote

Speaking against hate. Saying to be wary of extremism and Holocaust. Horrors!

This kind of lunatic censorship that matches anything we ever made fun of China for is the reason why there isn't anything coming out of Hollywood worth watching. Doesn't even have to do with all the theaters being closed forever and the budgets going down to a hundredth of what they were, though that doesn't really help.

The good news is that she's leaving a profession with no future.


BasedPatriot wrote (edited )

“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views,” she wrote.

Another photo on Carano’s Instagram story featured a person with several masks covering their face and head with the caption: “Meanwhile in California.”

THAT is what got her fired? What the fuck is 'abhorrent' about that? She should have just fucked a kid and threatened to kill cops to stand with BLM then she'd be the leading role in the next top Hollywood film.


riddler wrote

The people that got shot, the Goys, were taking snow from their driveway and flinging it across the street onto the shooter;s, Spaide's, property. WTF was their problem. While this might not warrant an execution, the Goys definitely deserved a beatdown. While I don't know the laws in that specific area, many snowy parts of the country will give you a ticket for having snow on the walkways in front of your house after about mid-day. People in the north-east are pretty fucking serious about this stuff.