Recent comments in /f/News

burnerben wrote

I get that but its more losing confidence in the sites tor is fantastic with v3 and everything but its just people doing illegal shit being stupid i have no sympathy for that. if your going to commit a crime do it right and dont get caught. i mainly use tor for privacy reasons not to look at child porn or buy drugs.


J0yI9YUX41Wx wrote

Reply to by !deleted152

Is it our moral obligation to deprive suicidal people of any means to end their lives, or should we instead give them the freedoms of a "normal" person and try to prevent their suicide through compassion and emotional support?

"Why not do both?" These two things aren't mutually exclusive. You can allow people to say disgusting things while passionately reaching out to suicidal people.


BasedHitler wrote

Reply to by !deleted152

We should start a sanctioned suicide place on some liberal antifa site like and convince all the little degenerates to eat a bullet.