Recent comments in /f/News

Rambler wrote

The only reason I chose Postmill over Lemmy was Lemmy doesn't function properly with javascript disabled.

It's certainly a better looking and better functioning site/software, but I didn't feel like forcing the use of javascript to interact with the site.


mr_krabs wrote

If you were Putin, you probably wouldn't care about a few thousand boomers from another country talking in circles about how some messiah named Q is going to come through "any day now" and take out a bunch of pedophiles or whatever crazy shit they convinced themselves to believe in.

You'd probably be more worried about being able to choose the next guy who controls Belarus or something instead


Rambler OP wrote

I think it's more of an attempt to remain relevant. After watching livestreams nightly for 6 months and watching the tamper tantrums and destruction I, and I assume many others, just got tired of it.

"Yeah, we get it. Police suck. Go protest at a fucking police precinct or outside the offices of the policy makers. Stop blocking traffic and smashing windows and setting stuff on fire, assholes."


RoboGoat2000 wrote

Eh, what? Nothing of what you said has anything to do with the types of evidence of voter fraud I listed off. For example: double voters. In some states, just the amount of people that voted twice swayed the election results. That has nothing to do with the pandemic or ratios about mail-in ballots. Just read the fucking evidence. God damn.