Recent comments in /f/News

Rambler OP wrote

reloading is a great idea, however, really hard to find primers right now.

Seems like a lot of other gear is out too. One of the shops near me seems to be more geared towards hunting and sport and they always have a large reloading section. Looked pretty bare last time I went in a month or so back to just window shop and shoot the shit since I was in the neighborhood.


burnerben wrote

If your trying to argue against censorship its a waist of time. i am very against the censorship that has happened in the past week. its frankly disturbing that big tech can silence 50% of the country just because they dont agree. and your definitely right about the antifa stuff its disgusting how the media doesnt cover it.


RoboGoat2000 OP wrote

Understand where they're coming from? I know exactly where they come from. For the left, it is ok to incite, directly call for, or even carry out violence. BLM and Antifa are responsible for over 30 deaths in 2020. Do they still have accounts on the major media platforms? What about all the people calling for white genocide? They still have accounts. Conservatives are banned by simply posting common conservative values. This is about silencing the opposition and deplatforming dissent.

Where do you think they are coming from?


RoboGoat2000 OP wrote

You justify the impeachment. Break it down. Tell us how he has committed an impeachable offense in detail. Make it so that even a stupid person could understand it.
I feel that most people are incapable of justifying their positions. I'd love to see you justify yours.


RoboGoat2000 OP wrote

While I agree that Trump is very unprofessional, actions are more important than words or demeanor. Too many people are incapable of seeing past his juvenile comportment to see what really matters. He is far from the worst president.

When talking about Trump and his supporters, most people put the cart before the horse. The people do not follow Trump. Trump is the voice of the people. They are sick and tired of the culture war and mismanagement of government. Silencing Trump does nothing to stop the movement, but rather serves to infuriate it even more.