Recent comments in /f/News

RoboGoat2000 OP wrote

Encouraging people to use their first amendment right is evidence of wrong doing? "inciting violence"? Only the stupid or corrupt believe that shit.

How about the first time he was impeached, what was the evidence then? They ignored hard evidence that Biden committed the crime which they accused Trump of doing.

Russian collusion? Zero evidence. Multiple year investigation.

Election fraud? Overwhelming evidence. Brushed aside, no investigation.

The only crime Trump has committed is going against the narrative.


burnerben wrote

We've unfortunately just become accustomed to this and created a new normal where what he does is ok if your president. which to be clear its not. no other president in history has acted as unprofessional and irresponsible as him. millions of people follow every word that comes out of his mouth and he just uses twitter as if its private and his friends follow it.


Rambler wrote

And this time they really mean it. If these useless politicians work hard enough, maybe they can impeach him one or two more times before Biden takes office in a week.


Rambler OP wrote

Shitty article with no useful content, but has been around since the last 90's and has been a great resource for all things AR (and gun related) in general. Definitely helped me when I built first couple AR's.

Looks like they're back up now.


Rambler wrote

Reply to by !deleted152

China is supposed to silence you, not the other way around! /s


Rambler OP wrote (edited )

"Just make your own platform, if you want free speech" they said.

So they did.

And then they still try to silence it.

Parler was just a republic echo chamber similar to how a lot of areas of the web are democrat echo chambers. Free speech should be defended at all costs even if you don't agree with it.

Luckily they can just colocate their own hardware because datacenters don't really give a fuck and aren't ran by SJWs since most dataceners aren't household names and would likely enjoy the press.

I don't have a Parler account and don't really want one, but this is a crazy world.

Hard guessing how much hardware a site like that takes to run, but rent a rack in a datacenter like Quadranet, setup some localized high availability, plenty of companies specialize in DDoS mitigation to help with that load. And they'd be set. The datacenter is unlikely to give a fuck what they're doing unless they're ruining the reputation of rented IP space, which they could always bring their own. The upstream bandwidth providers don't care. They build networks, they're not a bunch of SJWs.


DefenderOfTruth wrote

Ditto with the indifference.

The golden age of America is over in my eyes. 2020 was the “over the hill” party. Now is the time for individuals to shine, and they will, but the infrastructure as a whole is already burning down.

Trump is a business man. This was a business venture for him and whether he wanted to reform America or not, I’m not sure. Power is power and anyone in the elite circle will never be truly trustworthy in my eyes.


Rambler OP wrote (edited )

Here is the last archive of the subreddit before it was banned:

I don't see "calls for violence".

I'm indifferent on Trump. The guy has done some great things and some not so great things as far as I'm concerned during his presidency. One thing is certain though is that subreddit didn't appear to inciting anything. Just more big tech trying to disenfranchise half the country. Sucks, because most large communities are giant echo chambers as a result of this divide. I don't want to be in a right or left wing echo chamber .