Recent comments in /f/News

burnerben wrote

I live barely outside of DC we had a curfew. Its amazing to see grown men and woman of this country have a tempure tantrum just because their guy didnt win. So much so they stormed the capitol building with weapons, killed someone, injured many many police, and put thousands of lives in danger. I have a close friend who's father works in the capitol and he wasnt answering his phone, she was scared half to death. Thankfully he's ok. And hopefully the united states invested enough in privacy infringing technologies to arrest these fuckers.


Rambler OP wrote

I feel that it will only get crazier. The right is realizing that the police and national guard will follow orders regardless if you have a thin blue line flag or not, haha. Lot of, "But we supported you for 8 months" and "What about your oath!?" screams.

Eight months of protests and riots and destruction of private property and businesses from one side of the political scale and not deaths at the hands of law enforcement. Today a female Air Force Veteran was shot and killed by Capitol Police. Will be interesting to see how things go leading up to the inauguration, especially now that there is a death involved. I'd imagine that if Seattle police had shot and killed a CHAZ/CHOP occupant that ti would have fueled a violent response as a reaction, so, we'll see I guess.

I'm just glad I'm far the fuck away from cities. Today I saw some crazy shit in DC, and then later in Washington state when they stormed the Governor's mansion there.

Had to turn the streams off so I could focus on some work I'm trying to get done but still find myself refreshing some sites for some breaking news.


Wahaha wrote

Multi-party systems ain't better either. There's just even more quarrelling. And backstabbing, since various parties have to work together, but who is working together will change. My country works like that. In the end, there are only two opposing viewpoints, too, but they are spread around a dozen or so parties and half of them will end up participating in the quarrelling. At the end, nothing useful is accomplished, but things get worse every year.

Best approach would be to just split the country apart into components instead of having everyone constantly argue with each other. If you can break it down to two viewpoints, just split the country in two, then everyone can do what they think is best.