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Rambler wrote (edited )

Basically: Leave your phone at home or faraday bag that shit, don't talk to press, don't post selfies on social media, don't be uniquely identifiable (visible tattoos, etc).

Same way all the idiots in Seattle/Portland/etc got arrested when throwing molotovs at police, looting stores, setting shit on fire and being dumb. Many are just one virtue signaling Instagram post away from incrimination.

If you're going to do illegal stuff, probably best to not let yourself be easily tracked regardless of political belief. Weird concept.


J0yI9YUX41Wx wrote

Get yourself a full body neon green body suit. That'll take care of your identifying features.


eeqrhty wrote (edited )

The people who were rioting or doing other seriously illegal things without hiding their identity weren't being too smart.

But I understand the people who just walked in without covering their face. For those people, it was a simple act of civil disobedience. Generally people do show their face while engaging in acts of civil disobedience and accept the possibility of being arrested. No one says "LOL Rosa Parks, what an idiot. She should have worn a hat and wrapped a scarf around her face before she sat on the bus. Then she should have gotten off at a stop before they could arrest her. But the idiot got caught LOL".


AWiggerInTime wrote

Lmao, I still have a bunch of tiktoks saved where the guy is filling out like 7 ballots for Biden. I wonder if he ever got caught.