Posted by Rambler in Linux (edited )

For years I've been using terminator ( ) and can't really imagine using anything else. Anytime I do a clean install of any of my Linux devices I find myself having to remove pre-packaged terminal emulators and installing terminator.

What are you all using and why?

At this point I'm just familiar with it and love that I can have multiple instances running in the same window and that I can label each frame as needed. Definitely comes in handy when I'm doing stuff on the desktop and connected to a server or two and don't want to forget which is which.



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uwu wrote

terminator >>>


notaspook wrote

XFCE terminal because I like the tabs but anything will do in a pinch.


Wahaha wrote

I'm currently using urxvt, since it was one of the ones compatible with w3m-img which is used to display picture previews in my file manager ranger.

I want to move over to st, though, since it's a suckless tool and I like the suckless philosophy.


Linuxgod69 wrote

I like the default terminal on pop os. It's simple and just requires 1 click to create a new tab. Super useful.