Recent comments in /f/I2P

idk OP wrote

I guess since somebody has to generate and seed the bundle and for the time being, this is a scheduled rather than automatic task yes, this is not a purely client side solution yet. In a realistic future where we are able to do a similar thing, but with a git-transport that talks to the torrent client directly rather than by downloading a periodically generated bundle manually, the person seeding the periodic bundle could become much less important, assuming that most of the people seeding i2p.i2p through this hypothetical gittorrent-like system are updating to the latest code pretty frequently so that they're usually seeding pretty much the latest version. Swarm Merging would also be a huge help here I think. Then the only centalized(hypothetically) point you would have left is whatever you use to provide the human-readable alias you use to fetch the latest version of the corresponding(i2p.i2p) torrent. This is the part I don't quite get yet, I guess what other people(the gittorrent folks) have done is use a blockchain to distribute a list of infohashes associated with a given name that's registered by performing some kind of transaction? Not sure. Haven't had time to read up on that yet and every time somebody says "applied blockchain" people groan and say "are you sure?" I'm no different.


idk OP wrote

The time for I2P comes when people bring it, I think. If we think of I2P as like the internet, then what brings about it's time is applications that popularize it. I'm not sure what that application or group of applications will be, but a better way to configure and launch browsers on multiple platforms might be part of it, and obviating the installation of the JVM/OpenJDK for Windows users is a part of it too.

Mixing social elements and peer-to-peer file sharing might be another, like a f2f microblog/messenger/torrent tracker for sharing files privately. Sharing a single b32 for every peer would have to go though, I would use Magic Wormhole to generate a short phrase which contains a link to the real b32 gateway to their node. Or somebody who has more time/likes node better than me could port WebTorrent, that would bring us all the really awesome stuff that people build on top of WebTorrent all of which is incredibly cool and useful. I really want to see more games, even simple ones. Chess, checkers, backgammon, either using traditional chess servers or something modified to be peer-to-peer. Freeciv long-turn games. Up to a point, even real-time games are possible with short, multipath tunnels. Games are neat because they occupy a social context which is not widely considered a part of the anonymous internet, even though major services have emerged and been successful in marketplaces largely because of things that happen because gaming is not tenably anonymous.

What I think these all share is a tendency to be "Fun," the ability to be "Easy," and for that to produce a "Network Effect." People don't join networks to talk to no one. Sometimes they join networks to talk to themselves, but mostly they want to do things with other people. Finding new ways to facilitate people doing new things with other people is what I think grows I2P.


Rambler wrote

It's pretty cool, but just make sure you upload your files through the browser via the drag/drop function and not direct to your server via FTP (they won't show up as uploads in MuWire).

I have crappy net so I don't really download or share anything but I've poked around and uploaded some ebooks about ham radio and building log cabins or something as a test.


idk OP wrote

The reason we stuck with mtn for so long is that mtn checkouts are always resumable. You can get partial ones and pick up right where you left off. It was an incredibly important feature, and one that Git still does not implement for git clone. To do a successful checkout on the old crypto required checking out at --depth 1 and even then could take multiple attempts. Things are much better now, but it's still comparatively slow and inconvenient to check out a ~389mb repository over git than it was with mtn. But git is resumable once you have at least a shallow clone, and moreover git can produce a git bundle which is a file that works exactly like a git repository for the purposes of cloning. So what you do to turn the crisis(git non-resumability) into an opportunity(redundant copies of the whole damn repository history everywhere) is start is you start generating git bundles of i2p.i2p every once in a while, at regular intervals(I recommend the tenth of the month) and distributing them with bittorrent-over-I2P. That way, you can download a near-complete copy of the repository from many peers and spend a minute or two --unshallowing the result, rather than cloning to --depth 1 and repeatedly --unshallow until you have a complete repository.

There are actually even cooler things you can do if you apply some git-transport magic and a way of providing a single memorable alias to a series of infohashes, there are some systems that do this it's just a matter of porting their dependencies into the I2P network or replacing them.


term99 OP wrote

Reply to comment by Rambler in High performance I2P+ router by term99


This is a low/mid range vps, 4vCPU 4GB Mem Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz per /proc/cpuinfo The loadavg has been much higher than that before, job lag stays low, so its all within its limits.

Thanks for linking me, cool site btw.


Rambler wrote

I love the JS detection. I switch mine on and off all the time since some sites I still use require it. Nice reminder.

What sort of machine is powering your router? I noticed the load average, so that's why I'm asking. That'd be an issue on my router install, but it's a relatively low end VPS.

I'm going to work on a large I2P link directory today like I did for /f/yggdrasil and pin it here. I'll make sure you're on there.


idk OP wrote

It's working for me in I2P in Private Browsing WebExtension. I'm going to have to make some improvements to the UI/style for this on my end though, it's doesn't show up very well when the URL's are this long and that's a problem that needs to be solved. Next release is likely to happen Sunday, and I'll be sure to include some improvements to the feature in that release. Thanks for setting this up.


Rambler wrote

I'm not equipped to test it right at this moment, but I did add the I2P-LOCATION to the nginx configuration.

 add_header Onion-Location http://rambleeeqrhty6s5jgefdfdtc6tfgg4jj6svr4jpgk4wjtg3qshwbaad.onion$request_uri;
 add_header I2P-LOCATION http://smv3cryi3n7d5ll7xpvlhstubi5yj4dadeltyrdwdr4onwd2jvvq.b32.i2p$request_uri;

/u/idk can you confirm if it's working on your end? Once ramble.i2p starts showing up in subscription lists I'll change it. (I was only able to access the domain registars on I2P yesterday evening... turns out after a day of trying and failing to get their sites to load all I had to do was restart my router. Sometimes it's the simplest things...)


idk OP wrote

Funny you should ask, i2p.i2p migrated to git literally 17 minutes ago! I2P source code is here now: http://git.idk.i2p/i2p-hackers/i2p.i2p

re: alreadyburnt I actually didn't intend to keep the account. It was intended to signal "Do not reply to these messages, because this account is already burnt." That said, somebody could probably find me if they really tried, but I'm not like a radical of any stripe or a market seller or anything like that, most of what I do is pretty uncontroversial, I just genuinely believe that P2P and Privacy describe characteristics that ought to be normative of the bulk of normal people's online activity, and that now is the apt time to participate in how those concepts affect humanity's future.

Re: my anonymity, some of my colleagues know my first name, and the really-high profile adversaries surely know who I am, I have been on camera talking about I2P plenty of times, I've had to book plane tickets, I pay my taxes. I lock down tight and try not to piss people off too much.