Posted by z3d in Funny

Police in Norfolk, Nebraska, responding to calls of a man driving with a “cow” in his car were stunned to discover a local man with a huge Watusi bull riding shotgun in his vehicle.

“The officers received a call referencing a car driving into town that had a cow in it,” Capt Chad Reiman told News Channel North-East Nebraska. “They thought that it was going to be a calf, something small or something that would actually fit inside the vehicle.”

In fact, the animal was a Watusi bull – a breed of cattle famous in Africa with gigantic horns.

The driver was identified as Lee Meyer of nearby Neligh and police performed a traffic stop on his car. Meyer told them that the Watusi bull’s name was Howdy Doody.



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righttoprivacy wrote (edited )

Woah. The horns on that thing! 😲 Imagine getting in a car accident with those things coming at you... can't be safe.


Rambler wrote

I was thinking he needs to upgrade his hood ornament with the bigger horns.

I've got an old Mercedes 'meme car' that I'd love a set of longhorns for.