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Rambler OP wrote

Around here, I think half the time they hear me say, "No pickles" they hear, "Extra pickles" and pile it on. Gross.

I like pickles, just not on sandwiches or burgers.


Wahaha wrote

Passive aggressiveness doesn't get you what you want. You have to assert what you want before you eat it. Also, maybe pick a better restaurant.

But don't be a Karen about it.


Rambler OP wrote

I'll send food back if it's made wrong, no big deal. It happens. When I was younger I worked in restaurants and have had steaks I was proud of sent back and have other food sent back that I either made incorrectly or the waitress wrote the order incorrectly.

"Shit happens".

Respect and understanding goes a long way regardless of what side of the coin you're on.