Recent comments in /f/FreeSpeech
Kalchaya wrote
Reply to Trust the plan by dirdum
And yet again the jews are stabbed in the back by the commies, socialists and assorted leftists that they have so loved and supported for over a hundred years. Could this be a provable example of widescale and long-term 'battered wife syndrome'....infecting an entire ethnicity? Or perhaps a genetic proclivity predisposing the race to masochism?
Kalchaya wrote
Passports last ten years. Get yours now, or renew yours now, and you will have a decade of breathing room, as I much doubt the coming leftist-libtard regime will be able to render the newly minted passports null and void.
MilkyPastel wrote
Reply to Acquitted by BasedPatriot
I'm so glad they're spending tax money on the important issues... like a second failed attempt..
J0yI9YUX41Wx wrote
Sloppy and overly simplistic reasoning. Yes, the libtards are very liberal with the term "fascist".
goth_girls_are_hot_420 wrote
Terf moment.
BasedPatriot wrote
Reply to Kids in the cages by karmanaut
Maybe they identify as free-range aliens? Don't be a bigot. /s
burnerben wrote
Reply to True leader by Folkov
i was there too i can confirm (im 14 btw)
burnerben wrote
Reply to National Guard Troops Might Not Leave D.C. Until The Fall by Rambler
im pissed abt it tbh