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onion OP wrote


Rambler wrote

Asians are the only demographic shown where the victim and the offender aren't usually the same race.

Ex: White on white violence makes up 62% of violence with a white victim. Black on black violence being 70% of the cause of a black violence victim... Yet Asians, across the board, seemingly are the victim almost equally from the other races. (24% white offender, 27% black offender, 24% Asian offender, 7% Hispanic offender, 14% other.

Asians also have the lowest number of reported violent incidents but I'm not sure if that's due to their population size or not,.

Who are these people hating Asians? They work hard, the have good family values and push their children to be educated and productive members of society. They're good people. If they're in America it's because they left behind a shit hole for a better future and they almost always work hard and achieve the American dream. It's amazing what they're able to achieve in just two generations, from poverty to grandson going to med school and becoming a doctor.


onion OP wrote

It’s an interesting question.

I think the percentage of asian-on-asian violent crime is low partially because asians are commiting less violence in general compared to other races.

Table 12 shows the ratios of offenders to population, and also the ratios of victims to population.

From page 13:

Based on victims’ perceptions of the offenders, the offender-to-population ratio shows that the percentage of violent incidents involving black offenders (22%) was 1.8 times the percentage of black persons (12%) in the population. In contrast, the percentage of violent incidents involving white (50%) or Hispanic (14%) offenders was about four-fifths (0.8 times) the percentage of whites (62%) or Hispanics (17%) in the population, and the percentage involving Asian offenders (2.5%) was about two-fifths (0.4 times) the percentage of Asians in the population (6%).

On page 12 it says the percentage of violent incidents involving asian victims is less than their population.

The victim-to-population ratio varied by race. The percentage of violent incidents involving white (66%) or black (11%) victims was similar to the population percentages of white (62%) or black (12%) persons. About 14% of violent incidents involved Hispanic victims, which was about four-fifths (0.8 times) the representation of Hispanics in the population (17%). Similarly, a smaller percentage of violent incidents involved Asian victims (4%) than the representation of Asians in the population (6%).

The table on page 12 says that the asian population is 6.3%. Aside from asians commiting less violence, I also think that partially because they are a small minority, they are more likely to have interactions with people of other races in daily life and / or live in an area where the population is mostly non-asian. Therefore, there is more potential for violence from someone of another race.

From what I understand, there is tension between the asians and blacks partly because asian stores are seen as siphoning off money from black communities.

But also, for some economically motivated criminals, asians are perceived as being a good/easy target.

The funny thing about the narrative that Trump has sparked a wave of white racial hatred against asians is that for reasons you mentioned, among others, it seems like most white supremacists like asians. Actually many of them seem to like asians more than they like most white people, at least the ones I see online anyways.


dontvisitmyintentions wrote

Maybe they don't report when it can be settled in other ways. "It's Chinatown" is a cliche for a reason.