Recent comments in /f/Conspiracy

Rambler OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by txt in She's a keeper. by Rambler

Huh? Are you telling me you don't believe in inner-dimensional demonic pedophilic vampires that enter and exit our daily realm from an Antartic portal to inner earth?



Rambler wrote (edited )

Are you on social media? I had to disable all my accounts during the election and haven't returned. I was already on the path to deactivating them, but I go so sick and tired of constantly being reminded to vote, to register to vote, how to find my polling location if I didn't know it already, "Woah there fella, this post needs more context!", etc, etc. I'm a grown adult, I know where to vote, how to vote... I vote. But they needed to push it non-stop, everywhere, on everything.

I'm much happier that I'm not on social media but are they using their newfound tool(s) to push vaccine information yet? I bet they will, not that it in itself is a bad thing, just annoying as hell to be bombarded with info about it.

I had to take at /r/pics and you're right, it's reminiscent of the election. Mildly attractive female with an "I Voted" sticker and a submission title something about voting against Trump? To the front page! Now it's just some nurse with a picture of a banaid on a community that is supposed to be for interesting photos.

I'll get my vax in the next year or so. I'm not anti-vax but I'm not going to be eager to hop in line just yet.


KutiemarKKrusaderz wrote

im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in im going in


7seas OP wrote

No vitamin can replace the real food, they also contained life, where you become the animal, alll hunters did this, to bless the eater. Look up how blessing water changed it.