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Rambler wrote (edited )

Are you on social media? I had to disable all my accounts during the election and haven't returned. I was already on the path to deactivating them, but I go so sick and tired of constantly being reminded to vote, to register to vote, how to find my polling location if I didn't know it already, "Woah there fella, this post needs more context!", etc, etc. I'm a grown adult, I know where to vote, how to vote... I vote. But they needed to push it non-stop, everywhere, on everything.

I'm much happier that I'm not on social media but are they using their newfound tool(s) to push vaccine information yet? I bet they will, not that it in itself is a bad thing, just annoying as hell to be bombarded with info about it.

I had to take at /r/pics and you're right, it's reminiscent of the election. Mildly attractive female with an "I Voted" sticker and a submission title something about voting against Trump? To the front page! Now it's just some nurse with a picture of a banaid on a community that is supposed to be for interesting photos.

I'll get my vax in the next year or so. I'm not anti-vax but I'm not going to be eager to hop in line just yet.