Posted by txt in AskRamble (edited )

Emojis look different depending on platforms, so while browser emojis look modern and flat, emojis on android or IOS look completely different.



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Rambler wrote

I think it's funny that all companies turned their gun emojis into water guns.


Surprised the cancel crowd hasn't gotten rid of 👌 yet.

But to answer your question, I hate seeing emojis usually. 👀❓💥🤷🏿‍♀️🦄🙀🧠🐄🌼🕷️☕🛑🎮🔋♻️


txt OP wrote

More mundane emojis can look decent in the right context, but emoji spam is garbage.


Wahaha wrote

I dislike emojis. They should never have been accepted into normal character encoding.