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Rambler wrote

1960s - 2001: A Space Odyssey ?

1950s - Godzilla?


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

I don't know how I would complete this, but let's see how GPT-2 would:

1970s — Star Wars
1966 — Superman
1966 — Superman
1966 — Star Wars
1966 — Star Wars
1966 — Superman
1966 — Superman
1966 — Batman
1966 — Superman
1966 — Superman
1966 — Superman
1966 — Superman
1966 — Batman
1966 — Superman
1966 — Batman
1966 — Batman
1966 — Superman
1966 — Batman
1966 — Batman
1966 — Batman
1966 — Batman
1966 — Batman
1966 — Batman
1966 — Batman

...not what I expected, really. Maybe GPT-3 would do better, but come on, I don't want to join the private beta just for this.


smartypants wrote (edited )

Not enough data points.

And I am a person who subscribed to five different filmmaking,cinematographer,producer,SFX magazines and a few exotic underground film quarterlies for 25 years.

I looked for letters , vowel patterns, us soil release date months, box office takes, runtimes, amount of CGI, etc.

Not enough datapoints for me. And as a logician, i disregard 1960s and 1960s as possible empty sets in the above puzzle, and possible red herrings, though in most IQ oriented test corpus questions, the blanks are meant to not be null sets (WISC-R Full Scale, WISC-IV extended, Stanford-Binet, WPPSI-III, etc). Null sets as part of a puzzle are not considered valid in a open ended answer, and only used in multiple choice answers.


Wahaha OP wrote

Hm... maybe it helps to know that the list only goes down to the 1920s, so you already got half the set. Also, I'm interested in how people would answer this with incomplete information, so not having enough data points is so that everyone's answers can be different. Just go with the first thing that comes to mind.


Wahaha OP wrote

How far down can you go the list? It's supposed to got all the way down to the 1920s, but most people will run out of movies they know earlier.


Wahaha OP wrote (edited )

..but what about the other decades inbetween the 20s and the 70s?