Recent comments

expiccione wrote (edited by a moderator )

You can try to strip some part of Plasma to make it less heavy on resources. Still, if your hardware's shit, there's nothing doing. I've got a laptop which barely runs bspwm xd.

What you are looking for is baloo and PIM shit, which is almost useless. if you take a look at htop, you can see what is chugging RAM and other resources.

Anyway, what hardware do you have to not run Plasma?


mrflibble wrote

I tried it on an HP nc6320 a few years ago, and it installed, but I had problems with drivers. I tried the same model again about 6 months ago, and it didn't even boot this time :( I should try it again soon. It's a great project, it's just a shame that it feels like it's moving so slowly. It would be great as an alternative to old OSes like 2000 and XP that are no longer supported, but run expensive equipment like medical or other scientific devices.


shrug wrote

you can install linux on a btrfs subvolume.

during the installation you have to manually mount it on /target and skip the partitioning process. after continuing you'll probably get an error message where you hit 2xback and suddenly it continues. i could expand on this. is there (still) demand ?


not_bob wrote (edited )

That's already an issue. Have you watched news out of there? Such a disconnect with reality.

This is an old article, but very related.

Ever try to sign up for a VPS in that country? Every one of them states in the ELUA that you are not allowed to use Tor.

But, they are not the only country that does this. China is a classic example. But, even places like France do country level blocking of various content.

bows head


wtf wrote (edited by a moderator )

Love to test, tried to clone the git repo and it didn't work, says not found, assume this is the issue:

Aug 12, 2023, 1:28:12 AM ERROR [ients #46253] p.client.streaming.impl.Packet: Written 64 size 88 for 6lD3ug/1xpOqQ: #5 CLOSE ACK 0 DELAY 0 SIG ECDSA_SHA256_P256
 java.lang.Exception: moo
 at net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.Packet.verifySignature(
 at net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.ConnectionPacketHandler.verifySignature(
 at net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.ConnectionPacketHandler.verifyPacket(
 at net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.ConnectionPacketHandler.receivePacket(
 at net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.PacketHandler.receiveKnownCon(
 at net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.PacketHandler.receivePacketDirect(
 at net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.PacketHandler.receivePacket(
 at net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.MessageHandler.messageAvailable(
 at net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionDemultiplexer.messageAvailable(
 at net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionMuxedImpl$
 at java.base/