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Rambler OP wrote

I have a soft-spot in my heart for these type of people. As an avid backpacker, it's not uncommon to meet folk doing similar things on foot. I've picked up hitchhikers in the past that have similar stories, traveling vast distances. I've shared my home for several days to one of the nicest dudes ever who was bike-packing across America and just wanted to rest for a few days and pitch a tent in the back yard and use a shower. Lot of nice folks out there who may not fit into ordinary roles in modern society but are the most genuine, happy, and free people you may ever meet.


righttoprivacy wrote (edited )

An N Y T onion a day keeps the paywall away ;) https://www.nytimesn7cgmftshazwhfgzm37qxb44r64ytbb2dj3x62d2lljsciiyd.onion/2023/07/10/upshot/private-equity-doctors-offices.html (bypass)

Quote: “Private equity is like the system on steroids,” said Sherry Glied, the dean of the Wagner School of Public Service at New York University. “Every time there’s an opportunity for making money, P.E. is going to move faster than everyone else. And consolidation is the way to do that.”

It's not about providing "better care" as I'm sure the spokesperson is touting. 🙄


not_bob OP wrote (edited )

I've built a number of these over the years. Overall pretty useless.

The most useful one is the one that sits attached the visor in my van. Pull the visor down and there is a screen.

It's perfect for use in parking lots, or keeping track of things while driving. Though, it's really only suitable for text mode stuff. Too under powered.


Rambler OP wrote


I work in the web-hosting industry, and there are a handful of common and popular proprietary software used that used to require CentOS / RHEL as the base OS. Then most of them now support AlmaLinux, which I've got on a handful of servers as a requirement. Haven't really used Rocky Linux, but have used AlmaLinux a lot now, and I run CloudLinuxOS which is/was RHEL based but it's a commercial Linux OS geared towards this industry.

Anyway, FINALLY some of these companies are producing statements that they're releasing Debian/Ubuntu betas or have it on their roadmap for making their software work on these OSes. Which is great.