Who Employs Your Doctor? Increasingly, a Private Equity Firm.
nytimes.comNothing unusual here. Mega firms buying up everything. Business as usual :(
Nothing unusual here. Mega firms buying up everything. Business as usual :(
Be your own doctor as much as possible.
righttoprivacy wrote (edited )
An N Y T onion a day keeps the paywall away ;) https://www.nytimesn7cgmftshazwhfgzm37qxb44r64ytbb2dj3x62d2lljsciiyd.onion/2023/07/10/upshot/private-equity-doctors-offices.html (bypass)
Quote: “Private equity is like the system on steroids,” said Sherry Glied, the dean of the Wagner School of Public Service at New York University. “Every time there’s an opportunity for making money, P.E. is going to move faster than everyone else. And consolidation is the way to do that.”
It's not about providing "better care" as I'm sure the spokesperson is touting. 🙄