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takeheart wrote

Reply to About IQ by Wahaha

IQ is statistical test about sorting geometrical figures, not a real property of man. I remember what Shulgin wrote about IQ tests. I remember my own experience where I was accused cheating. In this wall of greentext I can believe claims about mapping, and that's about it. Claims about empathy are especially out of place.


Zenen wrote

One of the great things about a website like this is that it offers a bridge between people who live in different realities. We live in a post-truth world, which means that what is 'true' for you is not necessarily 'true' for someone else. What we can do is establish common ground between people who carry different views than us by finding things that we agree on and building on that as a foundation.

Seems like everyone in this thread agrees that national politics and governance systems are overly bloated and unhelpful towards solving the problems that we face on a personal scale, anybody disagree with that? /u/Wahaha /u/takeheart


Zenen wrote

You may not destroy natural systems but you are more than likely complicit in their destruction, by supporting businesses and systems that are extractive in nature.

Overpopulation is not a problem (yet), poor allocation of resources is the problem. However, there is truth in what OP says about the lack of sustainability in our strategies.


Zenen wrote

Is your belief in 'the inevitability of heat death' based in the same type of scientific understanding that climate scientists base their work off of? Choosing to cherrypick scientific knowledge to reinforce one's own beliefs and ignoring the rest of the data is not very scientific at all.

The Earth is probably about as fine as you and I are - which is to say not fine and actually struggling to cope with the state of modern society... unless you're actually totally fine with how everything is going?

The earth is a living being in a rather careful homeostatic balance, and saying that the only consequence of a warmer climate is like saying the only consequence of a fever (i.e. when our internal climate gets a few degrees warmer) is not needing a coat. Fevers happen when our bodies need to kill off something inside of them... and humans would be the cause and the target.

If your going strategy is to extract the resources from this planet so that we can leave and find other planets where we can do the same, I would like to point towards viral propagation and ask if that is the form of (not) life that humans need to be taking inspiration from.

Don't give into apathy, you can make a difference in the world around you!


takeheart wrote

I do not destroy natural systems. Do you?

Overpopulation rhetoric is eugenics, it's origin are people who want others to not reproduce, to have their own genes prevail in the long run. Do you have many children? If no, you're pissing against the wind.

Only I know my capabilities. I see you're getting hostile. Why? I see no reason to get personal over these topics, especially if you value truth. You cannot tackle the truth unless you keep your head cool.


Wahaha wrote

Classes where the teacher can give grades based on what he feels like are pointless anyway.

But for male students, who continued to see higher grades with attractiveness even when student-teacher interaction was low, beauty seems to be a productivity-enhancing attribute.

Or maybe women were the only one enjoying an eye-candy premium in the first place? Could also be that there is no such premium and women simply stop trying as hard with no in-person attention received anymore.


Wahaha wrote

What are you even smoking? The heat death of the universe is inevitable. It's not just Earth. It's the entire universe. Won't happen during my lifetime, but just the travel time (let's just pretend space travel was real) would take thousands of years.

We have to start somewhere, though.

The Earth is generally fine. It might get a few degrees warmer, but that will only make winter less cold. We are at the end of an ice age, so Earth warming up isn't strange. Micro plastic pollution is of much greater concern than climate change.

Maybe Earth will even warm up enough to make Antarctica a place people would want to live.


Zenen wrote

Please don't conflate the ways that climate change is coerced into a political platform with the actuality of climate change itself - they're different beasts and the reason why people's needs aren't satisfied is because the extractive resource practices that our society rely on need people with unmet needs (largely social needs) to function. What do you need?