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What are you even smoking? The heat death of the universe is inevitable. It's not just Earth. It's the entire universe. Won't happen during my lifetime, but just the travel time (let's just pretend space travel was real) would take thousands of years.

We have to start somewhere, though.

The Earth is generally fine. It might get a few degrees warmer, but that will only make winter less cold. We are at the end of an ice age, so Earth warming up isn't strange. Micro plastic pollution is of much greater concern than climate change.

Maybe Earth will even warm up enough to make Antarctica a place people would want to live.



Please don't conflate the ways that climate change is coerced into a political platform with the actuality of climate change itself - they're different beasts and the reason why people's needs aren't satisfied is because the extractive resource practices that our society rely on need people with unmet needs (largely social needs) to function. What do you need?



I do not acknowledge "climate crisis". In fact, I believe climate politics is scarcity politics. There is less and less limit on means of production, so why all people's needs have not been satisfied yet? Wealth hoarders produce many justifications and climategate is one of them. A lot has been invested into it, and they have hard time dropping it even after many decent scientists spoke against the lie.



Oh, it's just another climate bullshit article. Haven't seen one of those before. Instead of trying to prevent what is according to them unpreventable anyway, why not focus instead on how to adapt to the predicted changes?

Gimping our own economy is totally retarded. The heat death of the universe will get this planet anyway. We should invest all our resources into leaving this planet and leaving this very universe, since it is doomed. And for that we need an economy that isn't gimped.

We need to concentrate more wealth in fewer capable hands working towards space exploration and leaving behind this death sentence planet.



Prices are abstract, virtual. Prices have no intention, agency or will. Prices can't be real source, cause of event that threatens lives of many real people. It is real people who threaten other real people, virtual tools serving as medium of their actions. Claiming 'it was all prices' is attempt to avoid responsibility, retaliation from people who suffered against active manipulators: bankers, politicians, and their servants.



Mass education is not help, it's a brainwashing tool, it's purpose is to violate, rape young minds and bodies into conformity. Healthy men don't like being raped. Women do, because enjoying or at least tolerating rape had evolutionary benefit for their ancestors.



Artists are not just a ‘style.’ They’re not a product. They’re a breathing, experiencing person

That made me laugh. Artists have been getting increasingly greedy in the recent years, sucking up to capitalist system and spitting on the people. Patreon this, fanbox that. I encountered more and more teasers to paywalled content on pixiv. I say they get what they deserve. When stuff copyfags make, similar or better, can be mass produced for nothing, it's just like torrenting. Hoarders lose, people win.

Now, on the Luddic path I personally stand with Ted. AI art may be just an euthanizing distraction from horrors to come. The article also leaves impression that ultimately nothing depends on the people: now its corporate copyfag legislators against corporate technocratic mad scientists. I imagine a battle of one evil against another evil, that happens far away and produces pretty sparkling fireworks.


OP wrote


I have no experience with Mailinabox, but I am curious about it. Perhaps I will try it one day. As the article points out, I do not really expect to be able to send email to Gmail or the other big email providers. They block essentially all email servers on residential Internet connections. If you want your email to get through to them, some people say to host your email on a server of a commercial hosting company. Sorry I can't be of more help.