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BlueHat wrote

Pale moon because it's lightweight and Firefox because it's modern. I actually have a bunch of different browsers installed for the purpose of testing things or accessing sites that work best with specific browsers, but my favourite would still be Pale moon.


Wingless wrote

I thought pregnant man emoji, very funny. But I thought nothing is too crazy, I looked it up, and IT IS REAL! Actually THEY are real because there have to be six different races of proud vaginal papas.

Now "emoji" is a private company, or to be more precise, it's a private company saying "I Get To Post Pictures and You Don't Because YOU might Post 256 Pixels of Child Porn And We Can't Have That But You Can Exercise Your Creativity By Reordering My Pictures In Many Combinations". With a caveat for the censorship issues raised above. Normally I wouldn't bother.

Still, in this case, I think they have inadvertently appealed to unwanted diversity, and they're going to have to backtrack because they're going to normalize unnatural minority groups. You can't have that, and they should know, that what you WANT to say always has to take a back seat to the unhealthy inference someone MIGHT take. Because if you look up online, there's no Fat Man Emoji of course, because fat people are bad. And yet, it is rumored that in dark spaces on the internet, there may be a few fat men looking to be recognized as if they were a legitimate lifestyle choice and not just freaks, dig? So we, erm, I mean THEY, none of them around HERE mind you might be prone to post some illicit sentiment they have failed to predict and contain. Oh boy those were good cheeseburgers this afternoon. I got to go deliver a BABY...

They will abandon their effort, or at least, go back to the Drawing Board.


AWiggerInTime wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by sgji2p in Don't Use Telegram. by Hitler_Was_Right

use some random free XMPP Server to register at

Any recommendations? It turns out that it's hard to find a server with open registration which is fairly stable and keeps history.

And the client is smooth and simple.

We call it simple, others call it spartan. If XMPP won't work then try Matrix, the bridge argument usually works.


toggin wrote

Not sure who relied on apple for privacy in the first place, if you want privacy you simply have to go with open source, mainly for two big reasons :

  1. You have no real way of actually knowing for sure that the OS isn't backdoored
  2. The company responsible for programming that operating system can change their stance on privacy at any time, like apple is doing here.

Personally, i would never, ever lay trust on a closed source application or system for privacy, it's just asking to get fucked in the ass. if you wanna do private shit, use open source software exclusively for that, no exceptions imo.


Wingless OP wrote

Okay, now I admit I have no idea. Lots of fake news all through there, what is real? I am afraid I have this old-timer sensibility that if the cops arrest a guy for raping his mother, it means Mom said he did it, which odds are means he must have done if he admitted it in a mass posting. But nowadays, maybe cops don't like hearing some vulgar comic talking about raping his mom and arrested him even if she didn't say he did it just to show him you don't go saying strange things without jail? I don't know...


Wingless wrote

I posted the same shit and got two upvotes. Somebody posts under "Hitler was right" and thinks it only stops on the race angle, and they get 4? This kind of shit is why I never believed in upvotes. The only posts I was ever proud of on Reddit were the ones that got -50 or better.


Wingless wrote

Reply to Karen by Wahaha

I don't get it. The useful thing about "Karen" is it has become a seemingly not-get-you-fired synonym for the old-fashioned B-word. If somebody is giving you trouble, just say he's a son of a Karen.


Wingless wrote

I was always anti Trump but the Democrats are ridiculous with this. The people invading the Capitol didn't actually shoot anybody - some of them smeared feces and broke things, which makes those people rioters, not insurrectionists. Compare and contrast the nighttime revelers after police shootings last summer - the Trumpers didn't even do an arson! A few were burglars or looters taking laptops and such, but rare. Then there's the people who walked in and milled around, smoked pot, took pictures of themselves in the rotunda with their flags. Those aren't rioters, they're at worst trespassers, and you can debate how trespassing it is if the Capitol cops stood aside and let you in. (Not so much if you crawled in a broken window) And then there's the whole misguided crowd outside the Capitol, who might be described as dupes and morons, but not criminals, despite those who make out like it's a heinous crime for somebody to believe his coup-conniving President and his pack of lies.

The Democrats should be focusing on a couple of people who were violent toward cops, stole voter letters to their representatives or defaced the Capitol, leave the rest alone, and get to the REAL issue of what so-called leadership of the Capitol cops told half of them to go home and relax and left the other half getting beaten up and yelling futilely for help while saying they needed no help from anyone. Because those leaders were the only real traitors in the whole event.


Wingless wrote

The ultrasound isn't nominally designed to harm hearing - the point they have for including it is spyware monitoring of "air gapped" devices. They seem to have turned it down a little - I remember ten years ago the ultrasound from my old computer was severe enough I could hear if a game of Dwarf Fortress had paused itself (a stupid thing it loves to do) despite it having sound disabled, the speaker muted, and the display window completely minimized out of sight. Well, either they turned it down or my ability to hear ultrasound is waning, but I still hear it when bringing the computer out of hibernation - it just seems more focused on transmitting some ID code and finishing. I assume it's part of the OS, or at least, I never found a visible sign of it.