How to Take Back the Internet by Choosing the Internet Less Traveled
cheapskatesguide.orgPosted by Hitler_Was_Right in Tech
Dear (feat.Miku Hatsune) / v2.incogtube.comForging a Bi-metal Bearded Axe from a RR Tie Plate and File / Carbon Fiber Bandage / v2.incogtube.comPosted by dontvisitmyintentions in Craftwork
Google’s Jigsaw proposes real-time, cross-platform monitoring of “hate clusters” to “disrupt their reach”
reclaimthenet.orgPosted by Hitler_Was_Right in Tech
Tech spec experts seek allies to tear down ISO standards paywall because it inhibits education and innovation
theregister.comPosted by GadgeteerZA in Tech
"Our Mission is to Lead the White Races of the World in a Final Crusade…Against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]"
covertactionmagazine.comPosted by Hitler_Was_Right in FreeSpeech
LoveLetter / 初音ミク / v2.incogtube.comNHS Nurses tell expectant mother that they “will PCR test her baby once it’s born as it is no longer her property” when not in her abdomen by Hitler_Was_Right in Video
Monero : Triptych MultiSig Update - Initial Technical Write-up Draft
repo.getmonero.orgHow about lemmy?
lemmy.mlPosted by sitefights in AskRamble
茜音 / HiToNa feat.初音ミク / v2.incogtube.comThat online menu you read by scanning a QR code might still be tracking you, and privacy experts are worried
businessinsider.comFirefox Privacy or: How I Learned to Stop Hardening and Love Strict Tracking Protection : announcing-arti
blog.torproject.orgDon't Use Telegram.
based.directoryPosted by Hitler_Was_Right in Tech
Your Wireless Earbuds Are Trash (Eventually) And Will End Up In A Landfill
nytimes.comPosted by GadgeteerZA in Tech