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takeheart wrote (edited )

I see a lot of neutered 'facts' in the middle of overton window, but what's your take on this, why do you think it's worth emphasizing? Are you happy? That fishes will be protected from those evil unlicensed fishermen, so that they can breed happily to be harvested full force exclusively by the licensed? Are you happy that there will be more workplaces for watchers on those stations? And of course there will be even more workplaces for watchers who watches the watchers, more for noble knights protecting poor france and it's poor defense contractors from horrible atrocities of cybertheft, poor peaceful americans can employ more watchers to protect their glorious democratic homeland from those dirty iranian terrorists and their weaponised speedboats. And legitimate mobile-phone towers finally can protect their legitimate monopolies and remove those filthy unlicensed DIY rogue radio anarchists, ascertain their exclusive domains and sell radio spectrum which those nasty radio pirates dared to use for free. Next benevolent philanthropist charities can track routes of migrants more efficiently to help them get into countries that are in desperate need of multiculturalisation. What a great age we are living in!
Are you happy, liminal?
I think with all-seeing eye high in the sky the world is getting brighter, transitioning from scary darkness to all-piercing heavenly light. The world is getting Illuminated.


liminal OP wrote (edited )

Upboat because you are the only one who replies to my posts. I see you have read the article carefully, but I'm pretty sure the part about migrant routes isn't realistic, ICE will find the tech more useful than any NGO, although you probably think ICE is on Soros' payroll.

I see a lot of neutered 'facts' in the middle of overton window

What do you mean? My take is that the use of this form of fingerprinting mechanism is worrying, especially when a huge share of all satellites in orbit is controlled by a manchild.