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takeheart wrote

Redirect* to$1

That's for read only, I don't have an account. And unless you made your account through tor, your manipulations are meaningless. And even if you did, they subvert your other activities at tor.


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

Alternatively, you can use regex and redirect ^(http|https)://(?:www.)*) to$2,$2 (what I use), or$2 (what I used) (note that you need the Redirector addon)

None of those actually good reddit frontends support logging in, but since most of reddit is BS, you shouldn't care (and I don't have a reddit account any more either). Although, what do you mean by:

unless you made your account through tor, your manipulations are meaningless

— do you mean that you can log into your reddit account if you made it over Tor, or if that it doesn't matter if you log in over Tor if you created your account over Tor? Probably the first one, but I don't know.