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Rambler OP wrote

Should be interesting to see how things continue after dark.

Some live streams: and

If there are other live streams, feel free to share. Regardless of how you feel about this group, we never saw Antifa/BLM take it to this level.


txt wrote

This shit is probably going to kill the modern republican party.


Rambler OP wrote (edited )

This shit is probably going to kill the modern republican party.

Not a bad thing in my opinion. Honestly, anything that pushes people away from the two-party system is a good thing in my book.


txt wrote

I'm all for getting rid of the two party system.


boobs wrote

it's not a two party system, the democrats and republicans are the same party in practice.


txt wrote

Yea. We support giant corporation vs. we support giant corporations and like to say BLM.


Wahaha wrote

Multi-party systems ain't better either. There's just even more quarrelling. And backstabbing, since various parties have to work together, but who is working together will change. My country works like that. In the end, there are only two opposing viewpoints, too, but they are spread around a dozen or so parties and half of them will end up participating in the quarrelling. At the end, nothing useful is accomplished, but things get worse every year.

Best approach would be to just split the country apart into components instead of having everyone constantly argue with each other. If you can break it down to two viewpoints, just split the country in two, then everyone can do what they think is best.