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Rambler OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by cypherpunks in Help accessing YGG domains. by Rambler

Works via terminal, nowhere else. It loaded a few times via Firefox for me but that's it. Clearing everything, private window this, new browser that... Nothing.

Via terminal though, it's fine. I'm done messing with it. If it works for you and others, that's the important thing. Otherwise, the IPV6 works fine for me. I just like accessing the site through various networks depending on what I'm doing. Seems lately it's been a pretty consistent mix of I2P, Loki and clearnet. But as soon as I type in http://[ firefox completes the IPv6 for me so it's not that big of a deal on my end.

$ curl -Is ramble.ygg | head -1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

$ ping ramble.ygg
PING ramble.ygg(200:718d:c499:3fce:c5e:65c6:73d6:f46d
(200:718d:c499:3fce:c5e:65c6:73d6:f46d)) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 200:718d:c499:3fce:c5e:65c6:73d6:f46d (200:718d:c499:3fce:c5e:65c6:73d6:f46d): icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=246 ms
64 bytes from 200:718d:c499:3fce:c5e:65c6:73d6:f46d (200:718d:c499:3fce:c5e:65c6:73d6:f46d): icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=325 ms
64 bytes from 200:718d:c499:3fce:c5e:65c6:73d6:f46d (200:718d:c499:3fce:c5e:65c6:73d6:f46d): icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=250 ms
