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Wahaha wrote

I don't even have image.http.accept and network.http.accept.default in my about:config for FF90.


smartypants OP wrote (edited )

no time to go through all solutions, but this plugin from 12 months ago should do the trick at a perfect brute force way, but I dont know if a bad actor can use browser fingerprint to shove it in anyway.

This extension monitors and edits request headers using the onBeforeSendHeaders API


If it works, vile web sites like youtube should show blank white squares for video previews.

many http web development tools including free ones, can do ANYTHING with any data sent or received from firefox and have persistent scripts. "ModHeader" is one fun one.


Wahaha wrote (edited )

I'm already using that one for a long time, since webp generally sucks. But it only works if there's a choice between webp and jpg, if there is no choice, I'll get to see webp.