An Open Letter to DLive Regarding the Future of the Platform
dailystormer.suWarning: is a very controversial site so if you decide to share this link, be careful.
Warning: is a very controversial site so if you decide to share this link, be careful.
Why not? Saw the site for the first time today and I read two interesting articles already. Second one:
It's a tricky geopolitical calculation, but overall I'm on board with empowering China's competitors. Nothing against China per se, they just need roadblocks until they ditch the concentration camps. This is good news about Biden, I think. I had feared Trump was the only one to go after China. So... thanks for the article!
I think it's futile to measure China by our morals. They have an entire billion people more than the US. (US: 0.4billion, China: 1.4billion people)
And they have less space. It's inevitable that life is cheap in China. If the reality of your life is that other people ain't precious, but wastes of space, obviously your morals will differ. That's also what allows them to dabble in eugenics and create enhanced humans.
Anglin does publish some insightful articles about politics so I check the site now and then.
I agree with him on some things but he also has some very fucked up views and is probably a rapist.
I say he's probably a rapist because he has said repeatedly that women are naturally evil and deserve to be beaten and raped. He has also encouraged guys to do "stealthing" and things like that to get women pregnant against their will.
There is something very bizarre about the payments racket. I don't have any understanding of how utterly vile platforms like PayPal, which claims a unilateral right to rob anyone of $2500 for any reason it sees fit, ever were able to come to exist, let alone how they exclude alternatives.
I don't even understand why just plain mailing money is out of fashion. I mean, if you put a $20 in an envelope, and it doesn't arrive 1.4% of the time, how does that differ from paying 1.4% of your purchase in tribute to the credit card monopoly?
But apart from that, anybody anywhere who has any resource could be a payment processor of sorts. Doesn't have to be cryptocurrency. I mean, if you buy $50 in gold from Bob's Pawn Shop and say ship it to your buddy at Daily Stormer, that's a way to make a payment, isn't it? You just need to have some solid agreement about what the going market rate for the gold is, and people willing to work on low margins.
I have a psychological resistance to sending cash in the mail since it could get stolen, but that is a good point. If you just do regular cash donations of smaller amounts, some will get there and maybe some won't. I wouldn't want to send hundreds through the mail at once though. I would also want some confirmation from the site I'm donating to that they received it. I wouldn't want to send gold since it would be more expensive to ship than just sending cash.
chaomancy OP wrote (edited )
I don't endorse The Daily Stormer, but this open letter to DLive was an interesting read. Pretty sure it was written by Anglin and he's just acting like it's a guest post as a joke.
Whatever you think about the site, it was the free speech canary in the coal mine. Few spoke out against the massive de-platforming campaign when it happened, so a dangerous precedent was allowed to be set.