iduga wrote
Reply to comment by Saint_Cuthbert in I live in Russia, ask your questions. by d1esel
- Russian propaganda picks one weird buy and will quote him over and over. Like Tucker Carlson or some ex-military. When talking about normal people, those who I know and are against the war, do not generalize the nation. They understand that from foreign perspective we all may look like orcs, but people who can think, will not generalize too. So to summarize, pro-war think that all Americans are enemies. Those who are against the war do not think of enemies, but rather just individuals.
- Not really in general. Muslim regions are more religious. Most of the people in cities are secular I believe.
- Well, I don't think that literature is censored by the origin per se. Mostly social networks: ex twitter, facebook, instagram, even linkedin. The reasoning was different: from demands to delete anti-russian posts to demands to move the servers to russian data centers. All of these demands were obviously ignored. There is weird situation with youtube though. It is not officially blocked, but rather slowed down to be totally unusable without ani-dpi measures or vpn. And officials regularly state that the slow down happened because of 'google cache servers degrading' whatever that means.
- 90's were tough for many people. My parents sent me to the country area with my grandma because it was possible to have a vegetable garden there. And neighbors had cows and chicken. It was not all the years so difficult for us, but some were. And we lived in Moscow. I'm sure it could be much worse in smaller cities.
- These things sound like a joke here nowadays. There were absolutely ridiculous cases. Like journalists were almost prosecuted for the banners which contained quotations from the constitution. And the case was about... extremism. And don't remember what was the penalty. Maybe it was just a fine but the idiocy of this case was astonishing. And it happened in 2013. Since then many things changed. People were prosecuted for a blue/yellow flower on a woman bag, for ani-war statements in a private conversation. Police can raid into the club looking for gays (yes, LGBT is admitted as extemist organization and :facepalm:), line up everyone and make them sing some pseudo-patriotic songs. The law works only one way. If you face against some military/police/agent, you are almost rightless. The power is the law now more that any time before. It is not a Mordor though. If you do not take part in any anti-war discussions, clubs, meeting, chats or whatever, you will be fine. You can walk, travel and live a normal life. You won't stopped, questioned or ensearched.
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