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mr4channer wrote

its easy if you don't have 100+ subscriptions and dont have to use it for work.


mr4channer wrote

Here's the short version:

GMail → ProtonMail - based

Chrome → Firefox developer edition - unless you are a dev

Google search → DuckDuckGo - searx too, based

Google Drive → Sync and Backblaze - meh, syncthing

Google DNS → Cloudflare DNS - dilate

Maps → Apple maps - based, openstreetmap

YouTube → Netflix, TED talks, conference archives, and still a little YouTube (anonymously in a Firefox container) - netflix dilate, ted talks based

Google Analytics → Fathom - dilate

Everything else (calendar, reminders, photos, docs, video chat, news feeds) Nextcloud, running on my own instance - based

interpares wrote

well done, I have replaced that google spy a long while ago, everyone should


podnas wrote

Good info, I have done similar as well, one thing I am still looking for is a way to have my phone tied to a google acct; suggestions ?


div1337 wrote

"Google Analytics"

Self host Piwik / Matomo


Rambler OP wrote

I used to use Piwik in the past and really enjoyed it. Now I'm wanting to find something that does it all server side, and pulls data from access logs. I don't need all the fancy graphs and analytical data, but being able to chart out traffic/visits/popular pages and basic stuff like that would be nice.