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righttoprivacy wrote (edited )

Without collective action by people, I see current trajectory, continuing.

One of continual x, y emergencies (par for the course) used to strip our rights / freedom online / offline.

For example, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum states: "we need to make a vaccine for the internet". That is something that stuck with me. I have to wonder, what is an "internet vaccine"? Can only imagine the wish is to "clean" (control) the internet, information, and visibility (amplify / deamplification) using AI, digitalID, worldwide. DigitalID will be introduced as a way to increase reputation / visibility. It's not a pretty picture.

We can clearly see innovation is no longer by chance, but instead being financed. Every trend has been by design.

Corporations continuing to make invasive increments in entertainment, "fun" (ie: media, ring doorbell cam TV show, etc - "building / funding our own mass surveillance for plutocracies is fun!").

I see people going 1 of 2 directions: on one hand, we have people who continue to integrate their reality into the newest invasive dopamine hit releasing tech / social products. That group will eventually have all behavior, speech, and lives fully automated by AI (as integration becomes ever more tailored to / in the individual). They will eventually lose what it means to be human (side effect of this tech + loss of privacy / behavior autonomy on long enough time period IMO). All speech / behavior will be policed in a privatized way much like we are seeing today. An increase in the same.

I see another group who for one reason or another choose to enhance private spaces (remaining human). Whether out of curiosity, instinct, or from learning the hard way by having their lives ruined in one way or another by dark corporate profit interests. And it will involve tech on the path of I2P, where all users pitch in resources to pool stronger anonymity be it network, radio or processing.

I forsee many companies willing to engage more of the darkside of AI to find new profit avenues (behind the scenes, and if powerful enough, out in open), to gain power / influence. From deeper / more malicious "reputation" based businesses of various kinds, to products designed to actively manipulate the former humans in the above group using their data. Possibly even businesses catering to manipulate individuals, for other individuals. A more mainstream service of sorts (in comparison to today).

AI will become the modern day "ministry of truth" (1984).

Most don't change until they feel pain. 🧐

Also why it's important to both embrace and create alternatives to the mainstream, like I2P, and alternative networks / mesh.

I do see real hope in that type of thing growing as people better understand threats in the landscape.