EU Supports Placing Spyware On Journalist Phones
theguardian.comPosted by righttoprivacy in Privacy (edited by a moderator )
QUOTE: "Draft legislation published by EU leaders that would allow national security agencies to spy on journalists has been condemned by media and civic society groups as dangerous and described by a leading MEP as “incomprehensible”.
On Wednesday, the European Council – which represents the governments of EU member states – published a draft of the European Media Freedom Act that would allow spyware to be placed on journalists’ phones if a national government thought it necessary."
Nothing says "free press" like saying "I'm always watching you". 🙄
EDIT: isn't it funny the most dystopian hell-state laws come under such names as: "European Media Freedom Act". Freedom to intimidate the media act is more like it.
FULL ARTICLE: http://theguardian.i2p/world/2023/jun/22/draft-eu-plans-to-allow-spying-on-journalists-are-dangerous-warn-critics