Posted by mr4channer in Privacy

Was using Firefox esr, but mozilla went to shit and is trying to implement new ways to track and disables options to remove bloat. Now using Ungoogled-chromium, but is behind few versions. Pale moon is alright, it sadly blocks noscript. Brave is literally crypto miner without google shit. Vivaldi closed source. Opera chink botnet. What do you about browsers in general?



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testtesttest wrote

Let's use curl. Or socket programming for it? :D


icychkn wrote

I moved from Firefox to Palemoon a while back and use it with a few extensions, including Secret Agent. Quite nice for poisoning any fingerprinters. It's Firefox with a few settings for privacy set by default.

The only issue I have with it is it's default homepage points to which is powered by But that's easily changed.

Palemoon Homepage:

Secret Agent Homepage:


santorihelix wrote

Tor Browser. I like not having to think about the stuff you mentioned. If you don't want to route over Tor for some reason, I'd suggest SecBrowser. It's Tor Browser without the Tor routing. With this, while having security, you don't even have to worry about fingerprinting since it's the same as regular Tor and you won't be making yourself unique with the addons you'd need to install on other browsers.


7seas wrote (edited )

Edited for simplicity, Brave doesn't use miners. Everyone wants to use crypto but when a browser integrates with crypto it's bad? Brave redirected to thier own crypto referrals when used, wich I actually support doing, they shoulda been super upfront and had a toggle on switch for it though. I want them to be paid without having to sell my data.


boobs wrote

let's be real, the web is all google.

the standards body: basically a front for google chrome devs

the implementation: everything built atop google chrome, firefox funded by google

where you visit: google or indirectly linked to google

the web has been lost for a while you are just realizing it. stop being in denial. we need to build something new.


sudoer777 wrote

Despite recent issues with Mozilla, on my PC I use Firefox hardened with GHacks user.js and a ton of extensions because it offers the best control over the websites I browse. I've tried Vivaldi, but it doesn't have Multi Account Containers, so I only use it when websites won't work with my hardened Firefox setup and for PWAs.


Google wrote (edited )

Tor Browser.

Now using Ungoogled-chromium, but is behind few versions.

Scared by all those security fixes? Then stop using all those chromium-based browsers.


penis wrote

I use "gaytranny" browser, just search it.
