Does "Happy Eyeballs" mean that every internet connection is logged with the hardware MAC address, even for "normal sites" on IPv4?
en.wikipedia.orgSomebody's eyeballs are happy -- but whose? Apparently a whole slew of browsers are sending IPv6 connections whenever they connect, "just to see which one is faster", which sure sounds like a lot of bandwidth for somebody to pay for ... must be worth it to someone. And IPv6 so far as I know from the start has been rigged with a default logging of hardware addresses for reasons that no one in computer science has ever been able to explain, with the option of occasional "privacy" so long as it is done with hashing algorithms which, so far as I understand, are specifically made for the purpose of being broken. Can someone who actually understands the Dismalest Science enlighten us?
Rambler wrote
Don't they just send a packet to measure response time? I'm not certain that'd amount to any noticeable increase in monthly BW usage.
I'm not your guy. It's an interesting topic of discussion and I hope someone who knows what they're talking about can come in and enlighten us.