Recent comments in /f/News

Rambler wrote

Joined their group chat, though probably won't participate much. The Session account I'm using is for service support for another project and I haven't' figured out a good way to run multiple instances without needing a VM.

Let us know here if you start one for Ramble!

Will do!


burnerben wrote

This was a great deconstruction of what this guy said. As for the don't tread on me flag im very pissed about it. im a virginian and now i cant show off my favorite virginia flag without being called a right wing extremist. Im a very liberal guy and the history and imaging behind the flag is super cool and now im a terrorist for liking it? nice

i mean to be fair im already on the domestic terrorist watch list so whats another check on the bucket list?

The only thing i disagree with in this whole rant of his is the anti sematic stuff at the bottom and his username of course.

And for the comments about the far left being dangerous all radicals are nut jobs in my mind. No matter right or left all nut jobs.


Rambler wrote (edited )

“Those that talk about “individual liberties”

The horror!

“Those that advocate for states’ rights

Because Alaska and New Jersey are the same and should be governed the same, right?

“Those that believe “that the interests of one’s own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations”

We have starving people on the street, freezing to death in the cold. Let's help our own before helping others?

Anyone that is engaged in “conspiracy theorizing”

I mean some stuff is just plain stupid, but not all conspiracy theories are whacko nutjob bullshit.

Anyone that “fears impending gun control or weapons confiscations”

More control? Sure it's going to happen. Even Trump pissed off the 2A crowd with the bumpstock ban, We'll see more gun control over Biden, as well.. Gun confiscation will never work in this country, thankfully. There are more guns than cars in America.

Those that “don’t think they should have to pay taxes”

I mean, no one "wants" to. It's one of the reasons why places like Texas is capturing all the tech companies leaving California... Less taxes.

Anyone that “complains about bias”


Anyone that “is frustrated with mainstream ideologies”'

I guess I'd need examples specifically, but I'd probably be frustrated.

Those that are “suspicious of centralized federal authority”

Is anyone, on the right or the left, advocating for more government control over our daily lives? We have a lot of incompetent agencies. Even people on the far left want to abolish things like ICE and people on the right want to abolish things like the ATF. They're all sus.

Those that “believe in the right to bear arms”

Well yeah. Your safety is your responsibility. I can get a pizza to my house faster than a cop.

Those that are opposed “to the collection of federal income taxes”

Not so much opposed to it as I am for less income tax, or tax dollars spent more wisely to better accommodate the tax payers.

Those that supported former presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr

I wish Ron Paul was my grandpa. I've voted for him in the past.

Those that display the Gadsden Flag (“Don’t Tread On Me”)

My home gym has one. (On the same wall with the American flag and my state's flag... Flags were cheap wall coverings for a small spare room turned gym)

See y'all at gitmo.


Rambler wrote (edited )

Is anyone buying this?

No. It's more, "anyone I don't like is a [insert thing that is supposedly bad here]"

Am I supposed to feel bad for crooked Wallstreet elite? This is something that unifies people on both sides of the political spectrum, so of course the media isn't going to give it a positive spin

I liked Jim Cramer's response. "Pigs get slaughtered" .


Rambler wrote (edited )

Jeeze, that's hilarious(ly) bad.

Even though the creator of postmill is super against free speech and is for heavy handed censorship herself, I'll give her props for not trying to hardcode or even make a filter a default option on postmill.

The feature exists and is literally called, "censorship" on postmill with the discription:

This tool lets you ban phrases of text from being posted. It can be used to prevent spam, or to suppress dissent.

Though I always thought it was tounge in cheek humor and not serious...


J0yI9YUX41Wx wrote (edited )

You'll see a dictator the UN of human rights violations since 2014 freely sharing his opinion. This is proof that Twitter has "rules for thee and not for me", banning people guilty of wrongthink while cheerfully allowing murderers to say whatever.

To be clear, it's great that Maduro has free speech (even though he won't allow his own citizens to have it). He is welcome here on this site, as far as I'm concerned. It's hypocritical that some people have free speech while people "guilty" of lesser thought crimes are banned.


Rambler OP wrote (edited )

I feel kind of bad for the guy. He seems universally disliked by those on the right and the left.

On the right, he is letting anarchist run rampant in his city and they're doing a ton of damage to property and genuinely being little terroristic assholes.

On the left, he isn't doing enough to bend the knee and give in to whatever their demands are for that particular day. I mean, they literally set fire to his apartment complex that he lives in and harass him anytime he's in public.

Guy is in a bad spot with his constituents, I'd say.