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AWiggerInTime OP wrote

I like these kinds of news. Serious stuff is tiring after a while.


takeheart wrote

In "normal" news the world is always ending, people are always losing, things are bad and getting worse, there is no light in the end.

So when a beaver chews through cable it's a good thing, at least that will slow down technological apocalypse.


Rambler wrote (edited )

It's sort of crazy to think that in this modern era of wireless devices that behind all of them is large scale fiber deployments. Literally countless miles of fiber running from city to city, town to town. Underground, underwater and spanning the ocean to connect continents together.

People don't often stop to think about the actual physical point to point networking involved. The younger generation thinks the internet is just 'wireless' and comes from a box in their living room or from their cellphone. Even crazier when you look at datacenters and the vast amount of energy it takes to keep servers online.