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div1337 wrote

Who are actually paying for the horrible thing to make it worth while for that kind of armed gangster market to exist?


burnerben wrote

the one time im happy a tor website gets shut down


Wahaha wrote

Mostly well-connected rich elite type people. Like that BBC guy, Epstein, etc. Though, those guys get actual children, not just video footage.


burnerben wrote

I get that but its more losing confidence in the sites tor is fantastic with v3 and everything but its just people doing illegal shit being stupid i have no sympathy for that. if your going to commit a crime do it right and dont get caught. i mainly use tor for privacy reasons not to look at child porn or buy drugs.


burnerben wrote

Yea its disgusting i use tor for privacy and i hate when a resource like it is taken advantage of and abused it also makes people link tor to crime and not anti censorship and other great privacy things they do.


Wahaha wrote

It's sounds somewhat like the 'I have nothing to hide' argument, only nerdier.

If the people doing illegal shit can't figure out how to protect their privacy, chances are I can't either. Thus I lose confidence in Tor.


burnerben wrote

Oh no i have lots of things to hide its just you have to understand a lot of people who run these things get cocky and stupid and slip up or dont pay attention to modern solutions


Wahaha wrote

Yeah, that's true. Still, I take stories like these as an attack on privacy. You'd think it be easier to spot abused kids in school or their communities and track culprits from there, instead of tracking them through the Internet. But apparently it's easier to penetrate Tor.