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eeqrhty wrote (edited )

Sounds like better news for the users privacy than US hosting.

Quoted in the article:

Raise your hand if you understand the very significant impact this has on the ability to surveil and target insurrectionists who organize on Parler.

— Chris Vickery (@VickerySec)

I'd rather be spied on by Russia than the US government for sure. Russia has no interest in oppressing me and they're on the other side of the globe. I guess the worst thing Russia might want to do with the info is influence me with targeted political ads or something.


riddler wrote

While I generally agree, I think the problem with that theory is the three letter agencies are allowed to operate with impunity outside of the U.S. They may be operating with impunity inside the U.S. already, but they are violating the law by doing so. Either way, real news about the world is about to become a whole lot more sparse than a few years ago.


eeqrhty wrote

They can get a court order to collect user data for servers in the US, and for Parler I'm sure that has already happened. Though I wouldn't be surprised if Parler is a honeypot anyways. It's suspicious that they ask their users for personal information.


riddler wrote

I agree. I've always thought it was a honeypot as well, so I never dug to deep into it. Given the rumors that the site's information was compromised, I'll never attempt to use it either.