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Wahaha wrote

Reply to comment by Rambler in America isn't that bad. by BasedPatriot

Could be a lot worse. Still, after travelling through different countries, there are countries I'd rather live. Mostly countries with less people and more untouched nature that you don't have to drive hours to reach.


Rambler wrote

Well, in that case I guess I'd choose Tonga or Fiji, somewhere in the South Pacific. Maybe Chile or Peru.

But none of those places for anything related to their politics, just weather or dope ass nature.


Wahaha wrote

There are also countries I prefer politically, but these things can change, so that's not something I'd put into serious consideration when choosing a country. The type of people that live there is the more important aspect. And how they treat each other and their home.

For example, I've seen a country were there was zero trash anywhere in the streets of big cities. Where people would simply leave vehicles unattended with the key left and keep it like that for hours. Nobody would steal. People treated each other nicely. Wasn't a melting pot kinda country though. Also 99% white. Everyone was seemingly rich, too.


anon wrote

Finland is cool. Would love to live there.