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Toxicant wrote (edited )

Honestly I just like the layout of mint. It just hits something for me that I can't put my finger on.


Rambler OP wrote

I run Mint on one of my machines and have for years. But somehow, over the course of time, my Linux machines start having weird dependency conflicts and issues and after 3-5 years it's time to backup the important stuff and start fresh. Sometimes that's easier than going down the rabbit hole of figuring out why "something that should work" doesn't work, haha.

I've gotten to that point on my Linux Mint machine and not sure what I'll replace it with. May just go raw Debian like I'm using now.


Toxicant wrote

I feel like that is most PC's in general but then again I'm always installing/uninstalling one thing or another for whatever project I'm working on and some times just nuking my hard drive from orbit fixes my problems.