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razorsedge wrote

Just as an initial observation, I've had a lot more time outs today and pages that would not load. Eventually they do but... I love this site so I spend a fair amount of time here so I'll be watching to see if this persists or if is just a today thing...


Rambler OP wrote

Just as an initial observation, I've had a lot more time outs today and pages that would not load. Eventually they do but... I love this site so I spend a fair amount of time here so I'll be watching to see if this persists or if is just a today thing...

Are those issues still occurring for you? Let me know.


razorsedge wrote

Today, the site is far more responsive. Everything is "snappier." Pages are loading more quickly. Thank you!


Rambler OP wrote

It may also be isolated to how well integrated your router is as well.

My main router is pretty well integrated and I'm getting clearnet level responsiveness when browsing the I2P site.

I switched to my router that's in a different continent that's been up less than a day and it's noticeably slower, though not annoyingly so.

I want to make sure it's available and responsive regardless of the network and access method so let me know if it continues.